POLYETHYLENE (PE) - the most common plastic in use today. Polyethylene is of low strength, hardness and rigidity, but has a high ductility and impact strength as well as low friction.
POLYPROPYLENE (PP) - also known as polypropene, is a thermoplastic polymer used in a wide variety of applications. Its properties are similar to polyethylene, but it is slightly harder and more heat resistant.
The materials and the technologies used in the fabrication process allow for products lifespans of 50 years.
The HDPE butt fusion welding fittings are fabricated through injection molding, using SDR11 and SDR17 polyethylene.
SDR11 and SDR17 fittings are used in natural gas and water supply systems.
PP Boxes
Utile în protejarea tijelor de manevră ale robinetelor montate îngropat, în protecția hidranților subterani, în sisteme de stingere a incendiilor sau în rețele de apă și gaz.
Procesul de fabricație a cutiilor Wintercom este în proporție de 100% automatizat, tehnologia utilizată fiind de ultimă generație.
Our products are safe for the designated use as well as for the environment and meet the health and safety guidelines for the installation process.